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Ticket Policies

Crowd Clapping

Handling fees: As a nonprofit organization, The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem relies on support from ticket revenue and donations. Handling fees generate critical revenue that helps cover the cost of credit card fees, ensure safe and secure online transactions, and provide exceptional Box Office service to patrons. 


Single tickets
Single Ticket Fees are the same online, over the phone or in person. They are $3 for processing, plus $1 venue fee.


Season tickets
There is a $6 processing fee per subscription order when you purchase online, by phone or in person at the Box Office.  


Age recommendation: Age Recommendations are listed on the production page. We understand that the decision to bring their children to live theatre is an important one and should be made with all available information available. Everyone must have a ticket, and children under 2 are not admitted; except for A Christmas Carol, when there is no minimum. Call the Box Office if you have questions about a specific production.


Refunds & Exchanges: There are no refunds on tickets. Single tickets may be exchanged for the same production. Ticket exchanges must be made by 3 p.m. on the day of your scheduled evening performance (noon for a matinee) with the Box Office. Exchange fees may apply. No exchanges for special events or presentations.


Changes or cancellations: Performance names, dates and times are subject to change or cancellation.


Third-party tickets: No exchanges, donations, returns or refunds will be issued for any tickets listed for sale through brokers, agencies or third-party sellers (see note below).


Late seating: If you arrive after the show begins, you will be admitted during a break in the action to help keep distractions to a minimum. You may be seated in an alternate location.

Mailing Address: 419 N. Spruce St

Winston-Salem, NC  27101

Business Office: 336-748-0857



Hours: Mon/Weds/Fri: 12:00-4:00pm


Box Office: 336-725-4001

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Member of Greater Winston-Salem Inc

© 2024 by The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem

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